Let’s face it - we’ve all done it or at least thought about it at some point. That one sidekick we just-so-happen to look like or that villain we just adore to death has tempted us to reach into our closets in an effort to look like him/her.
That’s right, folks: closet cosplaying.
They always said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and our tendency to go as far as closet cosplaying proves just that. And it’s a great feeling! Sure, the result may not always be the best, but doesn’t it feel great to express your admiration for that special character?
What if we could manifest that feeling into our everyday lives? What if we could show off our fandom pride in a new and exciting way every single day? Without the use of fancy cosplay?
That, my friends, is what Closplaying is here for - to inspire you to closplay whenever you can!